HighQ® DSS

Welcome to
Decision Agriculture™.

True Agricultural Decision Support.

The HighQ DSS (Decision Support™ System) provides the grower with a tool to analyze numerous variables encountered during the growing season and how these variables affected profit per acre. Growers can analyze what effect different input variables had on their own crop production based on their individual performance, but can also analyze the same products and practices on a much larger scale using a “Community” of data.

This larger sample helps guarantee confidence in the analysis through sheer volume of data and removal of any anomalies that may occur in a smaller sample. Variable information, such as, Variety, Planting Date, Fungicide application, etc, can be analyzed for performance. These standard type of analysis’ can be augmented with a more detailed, customized type of analysis. An example of this type of analysis may be – what corn variety performed the best after a previous corn crop, planted between April 10th and April 25th. There are numerous different types of analysis’ available – virtually any data that is collected, can be analyzed.

High Quality Reports

Visualize your yield by…

  • Crop Relative Maturity

  • Harvest Date

  • Insecticide

  • Planter Type

  • Previous Crop

  • Seed Population

  • Tillage

  • Variety

  • Total of Each Fertilizer Input B,K,N,P,S,Zn

  • Fungicide

  • Herbicide

  • And more…

HighQ helps answer your important questions:

  • How did my field’s zone-based practices perform?

  • What is the impact of my soil layers or field moisture content?

  • How is my soil moisture content directly impacting yield?

Our data analysis helps you understand every variable that exists on your fields and how each of those impacts profitability.